So long, Freedom of Speech
am 'offended' by the proposal to permit gay marriage. I am offended by the inference that my saying
this may be illegal – and if so, a denial of freedom of speech. My view of marriage is the traditional one
recognised by our culture, that is, a union between a man and a woman. I am totally offended to see an attack on
freedom of speech on Long Tan Day, in the refusal to remove legislation
suppressing freedom of speech.
An article in The Mercury of 18th August, 2016, states: “Tasmanian
gay rights activist Rodney Croome slammed the move, calling it a “green light”
for hate speech.” Sounds like hate
speech decrying hate speech to me.
He further states: “Society has
moved on ... and our law must reflect this,”
Sounds like an imperious edict imposed on the populace by an individual,
or small group to me - in a democracy the majority of people decide so, yet he objects to a referendum – what does he know that he isn’t telling us? As
pointed out by ‘Richard’, in his Comment, “This is too important to be left to a plebiscite. There must be a referendum along accepted
principles which will provide a definitive result.”
Rodney Croome does not speak for me nor, I suspect, for a lot of other
people. I am offended by the ‘social
engineering’ undertaken by vocal minorities, while agreeing that in a democracy
they have a right to their opinions:
What I strongly object to is the focus on such issues by our politicians
and media to the exclusion of more important social matters.